2024: A Letter to the Laborers


Honoring the Hands that Build Our Communities

Labor Day dates back to 1882, recognizing the American workers contributions to the country’s social and economic achievements. Today, many see Labor Day as a countdown to a long weekend, an opportunity to soak in the final days of summer, an unofficial end marked by barbeques and parades.

There’s an immense amount of pressure in our industry – to build bigger, to build faster, to build better. And it’s not getting easier. Labor shortages, supply chain delays and rising costs are all challenges that can feel insurmountable. But we keep going. We keep building.

And it’s our people, the men and women on site every day, who make it possible. They build these communities that our lives revolve around. They carry the load, often quite literally, of these projects. With callused hands they craft these structures. With boot clad feet that walk our sites.

To these workers, to our trade partners, this Labor Day, we celebrate you! We thank you for hard work. We appreciate you. We couldn’t do it without you.