Employee Spotlight – Matt Calkins, Superintendent


Trust, Teamwork, and Training, TOCCI standard of quality and professionalism.

From the early days of swinging a hammer, to leading a team built on trust and teamwork, learn how Matt navigates the responsibilities of a Superintendent.

How do you like your new role? What’s the transition been like?

Being a Superintendent has been a goal of mine since I started swinging a hammer over two decades ago. My new role is an opportunity that I embrace and appreciate everyday.

There is an overwhelming sense of responsibility and accomplishment that I did not anticipate being part of my new role. As an Assistant Superintendent, there are many daily/weekly/monthly tasks that contributed to a larger goal, and as a Superintendent, I feel like all tasks become my responsibility to delegate and follow up with.

I’ve hade to hone my ability to delegate and share tasks with our field staff instead of handling them independently. For me, this takes an enormous level of trust, teamwork, and training, but our field staff continues to prove their willingness and readiness to accept additional jobsite responsibilities.

How have your previous roles prepared you for your current position?  

The most important role I’ve had in life has been being a father. It has taught and prepared me to:

1. Lead by example.
2. Work well with others. Coordinate and work together. Working together is in everyone’s best interest.
3. Continue explanation of processes.
4. Make sure everyone gets home safely at the end of the day.
5. Cleaning up after yourself is a test of character, always assume someone is watching you.
6. Always give 110%, especially on the days you don’t want to.

How would you describe your attitude towards getting things done?

It is no secret that we are in the PEOPLE business, I strive to always be as diplomatic and available as possible, not to take anything personal, and to carry myself as a servant leader. As a Superintendent, we are information brokers, safety coordinators, site directors, leaders and the face of our company. It is very important to maintain equal tolerances with everyone involved on the project whether it be a random delivery driver or the owner of a company.

Matt is a full team player.  When needed– without a thought to his own work load– he stepped into a very difficult project with several challenges created by a lesser builder.  In short order he achieved dramatic progress toward implementing what he calls ‘the TOCCI standard of quality and professionalism,’ and  ‘The way we work.’   His deep, practical knowledge of building along with his personal pride in craft and galvanizing spirit inspires everyone he works with.” 

John Tocci
How do you manage your team efficiently?   

Trust, teamwork and training. It is very important to me that my team is open-minded and committed to completing the project safely and efficiently. I strive to be a good leader and encourage “next person up” mentality. Every scenario has the potential to be a teachable moment (for myself and those around me).

How do you ensure a safe jobsite?  

1. Lead by example.
2. Identify hazards prior to the work commencing and communicate with all workers on site.
3. Teach with compassion and respect.
4. Maintain continued accountability of all personnel onsite.

When you’re not at work, where can we find you?  

There’s nothing better than spending quality time with my wife and daughters. I get my adrenaline fix from riding motorcycles and love firing up the grill for barbeques with friends. I’m all about the fun and competition of cornhole and darts. And when it’s time to unwind, you’ll find me soaking up the sun on a Caribbean island vacation.